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Parable of the Spirit Fox

There once was a Spirit Fox, who growing up tried to come to terms with her Fox-like nature, while at the same time integrating her ever-loving spirit which loved all things.

This caused particular problems as the young fox tried to learn to eat. Being a fox and all, her parents tried to get to eat small mice, rabbits, and other animals that foxes loved to dine on. However when the Spirit Fox was presented with these menu options, she loved them too much and refused to eat them. 

The Spirit Fox said “How can anyone eat something connected to the spirit of the universe, for I love all living things for all things are part of me and I do not wish to eat myself.”

Her fox parents were confused, for they knew their young Spirit Fox needed to eat in order to grow big and strong and the world was a harsh place, however the Spirit Fox felt too deeply and too strongly to ever eat other creatures. Instead she became friends with all of her potential dinner. The mice, and the rabbits, and the birds, even the chickens and goats, all became her friends instead of food.


The Spirit Fox learned to subsist in other ways, learning from her animal friends she found ways to eat grass, leaves, and other vegetables, even the wheat and potatoes. Her parents could not understand how her fox biology could live off these things, but the Spirit Fox was strong and found a way to transmute these other substances and grow strong, despite the apparent contradiction in what a fox would normally eat.


As the Spirit Fox grew older she created a new way to live her way, growing into her Spirit life while befriending everything in the world which others told her should be food. She could never see the animals as food, for from her perspective they were all part of the same Spirit, and thus the Spirit Fox grew big and strong and harnessed the power of animals around her to become a leader among the forest creatures, leading them to a better life and way of being.

“As the Spirit Fox grew older she created a new way to live her way, growing into her Spirit life while befriending everything in the world”

The Spirit Fox transcended space and time and became one with the forest and its creatures and thus went forward into a life of peace, harmony, and spiritual substance of being one with all.

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